It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia - Charlie Day

This quote fue agregado por wolfgirl.sash
Man this is crazy. You are dancing with the entire McPoyle Family. These people are freak shows, man... freaks. But you're keeping your cool. You're keeping your cool. You know why? Because you are the Green Man. Green Man is saving your life right now, bro. Just go with the flow.

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weesin 5 años, 9 meses atrás
I absolutely agree! Seinfeld was one of the best shows ever made

I would love to see more Seinfeld quotes (please post some more) and less One Tree Hill quotes (whoever is posting quotes from that god awful show should be tarred and feathered)
gswanso3 5 años, 9 meses atrás
lol, excellent quote, there should be more from this show

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