The Blues - Eric Clapton

This quote fue agregado por davealberti
The blues is a style of music that was born from the union between African and European folk cultures, conceived in slavery, and fostered in the Mississippi delta. It has its own scale, its own laws and traditions, and its own language. In my view it's a celebration of triumph over adversity, full of humor, double entendre, and irony, and it's very rarely, if ever, depressing to listen to. It can be, and usually is, the most uplifting music you will ever hear.

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huma.bari 4 años, 10 meses atrás
The blue is a style of music that was born from the union between African and uropean folk culters, conceived in slavery, and fostered in the Mississippi delta. It has its own scale, its own law and traditions, and its own language. In my view it's a celebration of triumph over adversity, full of humor, double entendre, and irony, and it's very rarely, if ever, depressing to listen to. It can be , and ussaly is the most uplifting music you will ever hear.

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