
This quote fue agregado por demaxus
There's something in this world that nobody has seen yet. It's something gentle and very sweet. And if you had been able to put your eyes on it, then you would yearn it. That's why the world has hidden it. To make sure that not just anyone can get their hands on it. But some point, someone will find it. That person who is supposed to find it, is also the one who will be able to find it. That's just how it is.

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brotaku 6 años, 9 meses atrás
I love Toradora, but I hate statements and quotes that are D E E P for the sake of being deep. It's very annoying how vague this is. There's this thing that exists that no one can prove exists except for the person who is allowed to see it based on indeterminate requirements and circumstances but will eventaully find it anyways because they're supposed to find it... makes perfect sense.
keyfarmer 7 años, 4 meses atrás
Toradora! opening monologue

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