Children - Jami Spears

This quote fue agregado por jami1980
I love my children! They are the best thing that life can give. They are pure and amazing. Children see things differently than adults. They see things in a simple way. They don't have the weight of the world on their shoulders like adults do. I wish we could live our lives as purely and simply as them.

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weesin 5 años, 5 meses atrás
'different' should be typed as 'differently'. Otherwise, damn good quote
bvw 5 años, 10 meses atrás
As a child I wanted to have the freedom of the adult. Driving a car, traveling far from home, earning money and spending it to but things to improve me and delight me. Yet even as a child I also was aware that adults can do these things because they have abilities a child does not. Even as a child I was aware that adults must take upon themselves hard and dangerous risks to do these things I wished I would someday be able to do! All the ways a child experiences the world ANY adult can, by control of ones thoughts and senses. You can at any moment reacqquire that child-like unflitered view of the world. And you should at times do so!
user60384 6 años, 8 meses atrás
The only reason is because they are ignorant of life's workings. Life isn't stickers and rainbows, sorry.

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