Type Me - Nicole

This quote fue agregado por nicolehadlock
I love this typing practice site. It's my new favorite. I hope that I can reach my goals, and type faster. I know if I can do this, you can too. Hope this helps. Thank you!

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goldfishlady 7 años, 9 meses atrás
Aw, this is so cute! I hope you can reach your goals too!

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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iangraf 99.37 99.4%
trishadgk 92.46 93.0%
jacqueline1234 88.72 91.0%
sweenburg007 84.89 94.5%
user957925 82.90 95.6%
zeravla708 78.96 97.2%
junss 77.12 98.9%

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