typing anon - johnjoe

This quote fue agregado por user541037
All it takes is time and repetition to be able to type. There are no easy solutions. In the beginning, accuracy is key. Typing much slower than you think you can type to ensure accuracy leads to overall speed gains.

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user871724 166.57 90.8%
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wolfram 149.00 95.1%
magnificentlyposh 147.09 98.6%
u557051 146.88 100%
mcgen 143.93 99.5%
zhengfeilong 142.77 98.6%
user285384 140.02 100%
user960677 136.87 98.6%
brainfreezy 136.59 97.3%

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baluze 69.70 100%
guya 63.56 92.3%
samcclive 39.93 92.3%
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