Unknown - Bette Howland

This quote fue agregado por lovelymeme_meme
For a long time it seemed to me that real life was about to begin, but there was always some obstacle in the way. Something had to be got through first, some unfinished business; time still to be served, a debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life.

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user76238 5 años atrás
"A life, Jimmy, you know what that is? It's the shit that happens while you're waiting for moments that never come."
bvw 5 años, 5 meses atrás
So true, and worse: it repeats, the lazy take on life of that sense of something "to be got through first". Note the quote author doesn't exactly bid for action on the awakening of the dawn. This is a deep thing to consider, but best to sweat the brow and earn some bread, to enjoy life through the struggle of it.

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