This is easy! - I am the author!

This quote fue agregado por hop.holly
Here I'll make this easy for you, if you get over 50wpm on this quote than you give it a like. Do you know how to give me a like, it's that little thing in the corner green mean like. If you get below 49wpm than you don't HAVE to give me a like but you can if you want to!

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
adrianpb 97.44 90.4%
kicko 91.85 93.2%
user90997 80.71 90.7%
mgraham 74.70 92.5%
maheem 72.75 96.5%
user421490 71.06 94.1%
lisa1025 70.54 87.7%
ashields2018 57.10 90.1%
radulfus 55.42 95.1%
eveliaaa1994 55.28 94.1%

Recientemente para

Nombre PPM Precisión
kicko 91.85 93.2%
user421490 71.06 94.1%
radulfus 55.42 95.1%
user90997 80.71 90.7%
freedomdazzles 6.93 100%
maheem 72.75 96.5%
adrianpb 97.44 90.4%
lisa1025 70.54 87.7%