
This quote fue agregado por ducvankhanhtran311003
In childhood, friendships are often based on the sharing of toys, and the enjoyment received from performing activities together. These friendships are maintained through affection, sharing, and creative playtime. While sharing is difficult for children at this age, they are more likely to share with someone they consider to be a friend. As children mature, they become less individualized and are more aware of others.

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unknownguy 7 años, 4 meses atrás
In childhood, friendships are often based on the sharing of toys, and the enjoyment received from performing activities together. These friendships are maintained through affection, sharing, and creative playtime. While sharing is difficult for children at this age, they are more likely to share with someone they consider to be a friend. As children mature, they become less individualized and are more aware of others.

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