STW Lesson #951 - Dante Shepard

This quote fue agregado por noxuulf
Life is just a series of secret psychological tests everyone is conducting on everyone else while the tested don't know the tests are going on and the testers don't care about the results.

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user57197 6 años, 10 meses atrás
you sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! love yah

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Nombre PPM Precisión
highhonedjazzyaudio 157.97 94.9%
user460548 154.99 96.9%
nutmuffen 153.32 96.4%
eweclear 149.31 100%
wolfram 145.60 96.4%
ltfigs 144.11 96.4%
strikeemblem 141.66 100%
gracekosten 138.99 96.4%
munoko 136.56 97.4%
am4sian 136.49 96.9%

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geryjs 115.63 94%
boochiebingbing 79.46 91.3%
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