wpm typing games

Bill Starr

This wpm typing games fue agregado por ds26gte
Partial squats are never good. They neglect the hips and hamstrings. When an athlete stops above parallel, his/her knee joints are forced to halt the downward momentum. But once the athlete goes below parallel, that stress is transferred to the more powerful muscle groups in the hips (glutes), lumbars, hamstrings, and adductors. Full squats keep all these muscle groups proportionately strong.

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Mejores puntajes para este wpm typing games

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sokend 101.66 97.5%
moofey 100.81 99.5%
niana21 93.69 98.7%
mellingb04 93.26 98.0%
gilligilliam 93.09 98.0%
crtuttle 93.09 98.0%
dvorakpt 92.51 99.0%

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