UCR Contracts - Oak Brook

This quote fue agregado por taliac
Where an offeror makes an offer which can be accepted only by full performance the offer will be held open for a reasonable time once performance begins, in order to allow the offeree to complete performance.

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mentalist 108.78 99.0%
1typer 97.81 98.6%
memory_allocation 93.79 94.1%
ultra_penguin 76.08 95.9%
user453101 73.27 95%
lostinthesauce 67.68 98.1%
bkbroiler 65.23 85.2%
astrid17 60.04 88.9%
asadulislam37 57.76 95.0%
beejay143 49.89 98.1%

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ridwan2000 48.07 92.0%
mentalist 108.78 99.0%
1typer 97.81 98.6%
asadulislam37 57.76 95.0%
ultra_penguin 76.08 95.9%
memory_allocation 93.79 94.1%
bkbroiler 65.23 85.2%
beejay143 49.89 98.1%