Material Possessions - Jihan Mour.

This quote fue agregado por jmour21
Many say that a step to being at peace with oneself is to get rid of material possessions, but I have found that this claim is not true. I know a person who has been ready to step in front of traffic since they were seven, but has not for 17 years. They wanted to hear the new music months off from being released, and they wanted to have time to play a videogame. These material possessions were the only thing that kept them alive, and yet we say that material possessions are worthless?

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kumagai 3 años, 4 meses atrás
Material possessions aren't wrong or worthless, they are just ineffectual at producing lasting satisfaction. They have a steep curve of diminishing returns, and they tend to distract from more worthwhile pursuits. As stated in this quote, someone who only has shallow material possessions to live for will constantly be on the brink of despair. If they were to lose that crutch, it may be that they would be forced to find something else to give their life meaning.

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