I Am Captain Planet! - Captain Planet and the Planeteers! –– Ted Turner and Barbara Pyle

This quote fue agregado por keynasty
To summon Captain Planet, the Planeteers must activate their powers in a specific order; Planeteers: Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Heart! Captain Planet: By your powers combined, I am Captain Planet! Planeteers: Gooo Planet!

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minecraft_2 6 años, 9 meses atrás
This is a sentence with punctuation!? This is another sentence about the random letters you are about to type. J J S F E J JE E G V K E U T V D. This is a very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, extremely long, long, long, long sentence you are currently typing. Well now you are not typing that particular sentence. Maybe you hate this because it is so, so, so, so, so long and repetitive that it gets boring. If you finish in 20 seconds you are extremely fast.

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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violetdaisy 80.09 98.2%
zmaro 71.46 95.7%
aemetta 67.24 97.3%
pancakes085 58.19 89.8%
stepshow 57.49 89.1%
lyskatelynn 47.09 92.3%
haulingads 41.94 99.1%
sergiosirko 39.13 94.0%
masmi24 38.63 95.9%
blankapple 38.24 79.1%

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user291574 37.78 95.2%
sergiosirko 39.13 94.0%
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stepshow 57.49 89.1%
zmaro 71.46 95.7%
pancakes085 58.19 89.8%
kels0913 30.97 98.2%