On Depression - Anonymous

This quote fue agregado por moon
Having spent at least five consecutive years of my life with depression I know it has changed me on a fundamental level; I am no longer comfortable in my own skin. I often find myself doing something innocuous, like making breakfast and then the existential dread hits me like a truck and I start questioning everything in my life again. Why do I do this? Who even am I? These incessant questions peck away at me until I am convinced that I am not human, and hyper aware of how little control I have.

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user693431 3 años, 5 meses atrás
Isn't it a common thing to experience existential dread once in a while? Like existence is in fact a mystery so feeling strange about it is to be expected
thealmightyone 3 años, 10 meses atrás
This quote resonates so much with me and I hop to one day understand my purpose in life as a whole. I thank whoever wrote this for expressing their emotions and almost word-for-word expressing my own. Till then I will continue to type away in the hope of becoming faster and I will return to this quote some day with a conclusive answer.
qweerty 3 años, 11 meses atrás
I hope whoever wrote this has a good day today <3
It's hard to always think like this, I can understand

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