You are too poor to buy cheap things. - ze_or

This quote fue agregado por ze_or
You are too poor to buy cheap things. You may want to save money by buying cheap clothes, cheap bags, cheap headphones. But think about the longevity of these things. Buying cheap stuff and replacing it multiple times is more expensive than buying expensive stuff and using it for the whole duration.

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divine_. 4 años, 7 meses atrás
I bet this dude has never worked a single dime for the money he has in his life. Its sort of obvious with the way he is speaking, might as well be as useful as the pigs in a farm and only contribute nothing but a waste of oxygen to life. go on. keep writing your nonsense quotes.
redco37 6 años, 5 meses atrás
If you want to ad personal quotes at least sign them as anonymous
ikasu 6 años, 10 meses atrás
I bet this guy thinks Millennial Pink is supposed to be the Pantone color for the next 1000 years

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