Three Years - Mkay Hirst

This quote fue agregado por kkyaman111
It's been three years daddy. I can write my name now. I can sing for you too but I will save that for tonight. I'm wondering if you can ever come back. Although I know you are happy in those heavenly skies... Can you see me?... It's been ten years daddy. I miss you so much and I know that if you were here. I would never cry again. I know you are happy but we are not. We miss you... but I'm still wondering... Can you see me?... It's been twelve years daddy. Still, can you see me?

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bvw 5 años, 9 meses atrás
My dad died 32 years ago. And jeesh, yeah, I can write my name. Is that so important? I mean I was five beore I could write my name. Everybody who can write their name at one point could not. Everybody loses their dad at some point. Yet we are as happy as we choose to be. Don't wait for the dead to show up to be happy. Be happy some other way among the living. Mourn awhile and move on already.
team_ohio 6 años, 3 meses atrás
this quote is trending right?



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