Short Letters - John Smith

This quote fue agregado por investingbeast
If you want to improve your typing speed, type only quotes that are under eight letters and are short like this one. This quote will maybe help you with your typing speed.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
user871724 189.35 98.8%
hydan 110.66 98.8%
kicko 107.30 97.2%
delacruz.danilojr 107.15 99.4%
hamchow 106.91 98.3%
muxedotask 98.40 98.3%
kheng 98.35 97.2%
user913655 97.34 98.8%
rubenpire7 90.70 98.3%
alahoy22 90.22 94.5%

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luisdus 81.30 92.4%
desmond0122 80.37 88.2%
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maheshhooda 28.32 91.9%
user871724 189.35 98.8%
user843630 83.24 98.3%
typer_sk 60.51 93.4%
ironherald 73.66 91.9%