I don't know why this typing test is so easy. - theleapfrog

This quote fue agregado por theleapfrog
Things do not make sense. When I play this game, I look back into the blank space and I see the things that I feel good about. Just try to think with a clear mind and let go of everything bad inside you. Close your eyes and pull away from your body. It should be in a bag. You can try it now.

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user871724 173.07 98.7%
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lynchrobinson 108.46 97.0%
user870746 108.10 99.0%
indigopush 106.15 95.1%
hamchow 103.29 96.7%
thatsmyjam 102.78 97.3%
jimmychicken 101.61 97.0%
sarahtesia 98.85 93.0%
jellyvanessa 97.01 95.4%

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jellyvanessa 97.01 95.4%
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