Pointless - Anonymous

This quote fue agregado por meaganmeag
This is being written now, not as a last resort, or a cry for help. This is simply to get some last thoughts out before I leave this place. It's fairly pointless to write this, what purpose will it serve? I'm not quite sure, yet here I am typing anyway. Perhaps I'm just trying to stall, or perhaps I just want to leave behind some sort of anything. Are these considered my last words? Even if they're not spoken, just typed. These are lame last words if that's the case. Goodbye typer.

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simplysam_03 1 mes, 3 semanas atrás
The profile has been removed. That's unsettling.
simplysam_03 1 mes, 3 semanas atrás
I agree with sansaic, I hope you are ok.
sansaic 1 mes, 3 semanas atrás
I dont know who you are but I really do hope you are okay.

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