Fun - AshMaster

This quote fue agregado por ashmaster006
This short paragraph is fun but can be difficult for beginner typers but easy for pro keyboarders. The reason I wrote this paragraph was to give people something to type for fun and for school activities.

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o simplemente dejar un comentario:

cats12345 6 años, 3 meses atrás
ok ashtyn
cats12345 6 años, 3 meses atrás
me like this paragraph cuz me think it fun just for a PRO TYPER YEAH ASHTYN IM A PRO TYPER :DDDDDDDDDDDD

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

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morgoth890 120.73 99.0%
vtan4 102.74 96.2%
algo 102.42 95.8%
user916716 100.88 99.5%
xxsupervillain 96.73 98.6%
aiarakoa 95.51 100%
lovesickauthor 94.92 94.0%
firekeyboard 93.07 99.0%
neatnit 91.70 94.9%
user423443 91.51 99.0%

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