Hello - Average Typer

This quote fue agregado por tastysalad
Hello, fellow typer. I hope you are beating your average with every quote you type. I'll add a few more word to type up so that I am able to get this passed the 150 character count. May your accuracy be high and your speed forever increasing.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
feuv 141.80 99.6%
arrathore 113.83 95.7%
user835187 104.35 96.0%
trishadgk 98.39 94.2%
donoshea 88.38 96.8%
user85658 69.92 93.8%
bp.kuma 63.64 93.1%
user101919 61.47 94.9%
user918690 60.60 98.4%
user631559 49.54 91.0%

Recientemente para

Nombre PPM Precisión
user918690 60.60 98.4%
user342760 33.36 88.3%
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bp.kuma 63.64 93.1%
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feuv 141.80 99.6%
user101919 61.47 94.9%
faizullah 40.88 94.5%