The Niagara Syndrome. - Anthony Robbins

This quote fue agregado por larryprof
I believe that life is like a river and that most people jump on the river without ever really deciding where they want to end up. So in a short period of time, they get caught up in the current: current events, current fears, current challenges. When they come to forks in the river, they don't consciously decide where they want to go, or which is the right decision or them. They merely "go with the flow." They become a part of the mass of people who are directed by the environment...{Contd}.

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weesin 5 años, 11 meses atrás
This is the worse quote ever. First off, you've made a mistake: "which is the right decision OR them" should be "which is the right decision FOR them". Secondly, the funny brackets at the end are super uncommon and probably shouldn't be used in a typing test

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