You're my rock - T.D Jakes

This quote fue agregado por tanner417
I will not face a giant without you. I will not make a major decision without prayer. I will not bring somebody into my life just because they please me. I'll submit myself, my destiny, my future over to you. You are my foundation, you are my rock, you are my fortress, you are my strength, you are my defense, without you I can do nothing. You are the subscriber of every dream I have ever dreamed in my life and I will take no proposal you don't want me to have and I will accept no friend you don'.

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weesin 5 años, 5 meses atrás
@eye1735 - what is the point of your comment? You're simply repeating the quote itself....
eye1735 5 años, 5 meses atrás
I will not face a giant without you. I will not make a major decision without prayer. I will not bring somebody into my life just because they please me. I'll submit myself, my destiny, my future over to you. You're my foundation, you're my rock, you are my fortress, you are my strength, you are my defense, without you I can do nothing. You are the subscriber of every dream I have ever dreamed in my life and I will take no proposal you don't want me to have and I will accept no friend you don't.

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