Confidence in Creativity - Kyle Robillard

This quote fue agregado por megamankar
I have nothing against all of these wonderful quotes from those who are well known authors. With that being said, I truly love when I'm practicing and I come across a quote that is clearly from a fellow practicing typist that inspires me, or shows vulnerability and true-self. Don't be afraid to push your boundaries of complacency and fear. You may surprise yourself with what you find.

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beefybread 2 años, 10 meses atrás
"Uhhhh uhm, *wheezes*, h-hello m'fellow typist, I-i *BRAAAAAAAAAAP* uhm uhh, I uh uhm, am a really nice guy, so uhhh, I wrote this really *burps*, really short quote for you. *wheezes*, I h- hope you really like it.
user717489 5 años, 2 meses atrás
Cool Quote!!!

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