Love - Vincent Varela

This quote fue agregado por vcva1_
I was walking down the hallway, tripped embarrassed. A girl came up to me and I blew away as far as a tissue in a hurricane can go. My eyes became wide. She asked If I was okay, and I said sure and brushed it off. That is how we met. It has been a couple years now. We are on the docks, she has a white dress and I am in a black suit. " Isn't this amazing " she says in joy. We are both kind of tired, it is dark. I look at her with amazement. Wind starts to blow. My eyes are tearing up. I think.. I.

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hulginulgin15 4 meses atrás
The word "if" after "she asked" and before "I was" was capitalized. I just uncapitalized it.

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