
This quote fue agregado por brandencant
I just want to say to the person typing out this quote, right this instant, you are an amazing person with so much to offer. Please don't forget that.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
user381085 140.75 95.5%
geryjs 111.43 93.2%
kicko 111.38 93.2%
thedigitalallo 103.89 96.8%
jellyvanessa 101.07 95.5%
typeracer_0 90.91 96.8%
user660825 90.18 86.7%
user102525 85.64 95.5%
user468593 84.87 96.8%
rajansaini95 83.31 93.8%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
ceifero 68.83 94.3%
maadj 71.24 91.5%
user660825 90.18 86.7%
typeracer_0 90.91 96.8%
geryjs 111.43 93.2%
user468593 84.87 96.8%
richpech 38.18 94.9%
user381085 140.75 95.5%