cinta melahirkan rindu -

This quote fue agregado por ibn_uber
Bayangkan kita seorang pelajar yang jauh dari dekapan keluarga, sudah pasti rasa rindu akan timbul dikala terkenangkan mereka. Bahkan tangisan kerinduan mampu mengalir kerana rindunya kita kepada mereka. Bayangkan pula kita seorang suami, sudah pasti merindui si isteri jika lama ditinggalkan. Lebih-lebih lagi bagi si isteri, yang lembut hatinya menangisi perasaan rindu yang bermain di hati.

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karl-sphincter 2 años, 10 meses atrás
"Imagine we are a student who is far from the embrace of the family, of course the feeling of longing will arise when we think of them. Even the cries of longing are able to flow because of our longing for them. Imagine we are a husband, will definitely miss his wife if left for a long time. Especially for the wife, whose tender heart weeps over the feelings of longing that play in her heart."

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