This is America - Donald Glover, Alias Childish Gambino

This quote fue agregado por kim2992
This is America, dont catch you slippin up, dont catch you slippin up, this is America, dont catch you slippin up, dont catch you slippin up. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO TRUST SOMEBODY, YOU GON TRUST SOMEBODY GET YO.

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weesin 5 años, 9 meses atrás
I work with youth so I've taken the time to "open my mind" to this garbage "music" so as to better connect with the youth that I work with.....but I can't embrace a style of music that is based on functional illiteracy, violence and misogyny.

Anyone who doesn't think that rap and hip-hop is detrimental to the black community should take the time to do some research....actually listen to the lyrics....maybe open a history book so that they can understand how black men are currently doing to black women what white men once did to them
maxlucetyping 5 años, 9 meses atrás
Weysan y ru so men to ppl who jus want to listen to music. Da musik is veri gud a lut of it u jus hav to hav a open mind is al. y r so mean ;( ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
maxlucetyping 5 años, 9 meses atrás
Weysan y ru so men to ppl who jus want to listen to music. Da musik is veri gud a lut of it u jus hav to hav a open mind is al. y r so mean ;( ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
weesin 5 años, 9 meses atrás
Actually there are lyrics are not allowed on this site

And I leave negative comments when people do stupid things like leave stupid quotes like this can't honestly tell me that you enjoyed typing this quote....

When people post intelligent, non-offensive quotes, I leave positive comments. When people act like idiots, I let them know
user601673 5 años, 9 meses atrás
Donald Glover is most definitely not a talentless media whore, he's a writer, actor stand up comedian. Maybe you don't like hiphop that doesn't mean it' stupid. I don't get why you leave so many negative messages on this site.

Weesin, you aren't the quote police, there are no rules to this site that I can find. If people don't like the quote they can just down vote it, and then it doesn't go onto the ones that people have to type.
weesin 5 años, 9 meses atrás
I find it distressing that rap and hip hop have become so popular....that youth look up to these talentless media whores that can't string a proper sentence together....

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