Hard Quotes - Endvisible

This quote fue agregado por endvisible
I am immeasurably vexed by the numerous difficult and lackadaisically inconsiderate quotes I have encountered. The often indubitably - and also unstoppably - redundant sentence selections are quite zealously handed out like Band-Aids to paupers. In fact, I am so razed by this obsequious nature of those grasping for straws in terms of verbiage and length, that I must elegantly and vivaciously absolve you, fellow user, with a simple and run-of-the-mill quote; that quote is, "Hello, there!"

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bvw 5 años, 8 meses atrás
That was tricky fingers of a quote. Good one.
weesin 5 años, 9 meses atrás
I love your quote and your dry, sarcastic sense of humour. Please post more....

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