
This quote fue agregado por mollohan_hannah
If I could go back to the day we met, I probably would stay in bed. You run your mouth all over town. This one goes out to the sound of breaking glass on my Range Rover. Pay me back or girl it's over, All the presents I would send, fuck my friends behind my shoulder. Next time ima stay asleep. I pray the soul to keep. And you got me thinkin lately, bitch you crazy. And nothin's ever good enough. I wrote a little song for ya. It go like do, re, mi, fa so freaking done with you girl.

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mollohan_hannah 5 años, 7 meses atrás
yes, it is, and i could care less
weesin 5 años, 7 meses atrás
This "quote" is rife with misogynistic, thug-like, hatred and stupidity. This is truly offensive

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