Punctuation signs are the worst. - Anonymous

This quote fue agregado por user263053
Exclamation marks, quotation marks, semicolons, colons, parentheses, hyphens that should be em dashes... What's the point in practising them so frequently? I don't use them often. They're just holding my speed back.

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weesin 6 años atrás
This sounds like laziness

One should not be hoping for or cherry-picking "easier" quotes in order to get a higher wpm as that wpm is not an honest wpm. The mark of a good typist is consistent speed, regardless of what types of punctuation or difficult text they might encounter....the only way to achieve this is to embrace the quotes that you find difficult, practice them and thereby master them

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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