why my brother needs a life - a very confused me

This quote fue agregado por mollohan_hannah
My brother needs a life because he is constant making up fantasies that will Neve cone true. He also seems to be gay for Min Yoongi. This is my brother needs a life.

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mollohan_hannah 5 años, 8 meses atrás
is it bad that I'm laughing? I feel bad for laughing but I can't help it.
weesin 5 años, 8 meses atrás
once again, I didn't even realize it was your quote that I was commenting on. Hope you're doing well. But yes, you may wish to start proof-reading them. And maybe lay off on calling people "gay" regardless of how you intend it....it's rude and offensive
mollohan_hannah 5 años, 8 meses atrás
@Weesin yes I know mentally slapping myself for these, but I call him gay all the time it is literally just a joke. I seriously need to start proof reading lmaoooo
weesin 5 años, 8 meses atrás
This is a terrible "quote".

First off, "constant making" doesn't make sense...it should be "constantly making"

Secondly, you have typed "Neve".....you should have typed "never"....you missed an r and you capitalized a word that needn't be capitalized

Then you typed "cone" instead of "come"

Most concerning is your apparently feeling that your brother is "gay" for something is a bad idea. You are an illiterate homophobe

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