Typing Difficulty - Anonymous

This quote fue agregado por plex_is_better
Sometimes typing is extremely difficult, sometimes it is too easy. I find it to be easier when you have no quote in front of you that you have to type, you just go at your own speed, you get some time to think, and it's like all of your thoughts just jump out and splatter themselves across your screen, with your fingers effortlessly gliding across the keyboard.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
user871724 137.94 90.8%
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strikeemblem 115.14 94.8%
tundan 114.12 97.1%
dcb87 111.93 96.0%
freu 110.95 95.5%
_eelijah 110.18 96.8%
figs 109.69 91.7%
user511259 108.41 92.6%
indigopush 108.36 94.0%

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