My Thoughts on Love - Anonymous

This quote fue agregado por kkin1628
To me, love is something that shouldn't be rushed. When we first find love, we usually rush into it thinking it can last forever. We forget that love can lead to heartbreak and betrayal. We find someone we like or find attractive and rush into it thinking it's true love. However, the more you spend time with them you realize that they're not what you expected and break the relationship. Other times, they might break your heart saying you should split up. Love takes time; don't rush into it.

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spencerporker 3 años atrás
or maybe you're just bad at picking the right person to be with. don't project your failed relationships onto other people.
gtrreaper43 5 años, 7 meses atrás
This quote is very true never rush things and take your time and she/he isn't the one then they aren't the one. So in my opinion this quote is very true.
gtrreaper43 5 años, 7 meses atrás
This quote is very true never rush things and take your time and she/he isn't the one then they aren't the one. So in my opinion this quote is very true.
weesin 5 años, 7 meses atrás
While I mostly agree with this quote, we should all keep in mind that just as with anything, there are exceptions to every rule. My first husband and I were married within two months of first meeting each other.... We were ridiculously happily married for almost 15 years before he passed away.

Sometimes, if something feels right, it just is. I'm sure the kids that were produced by our quick marriage would agree....

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