Am I a no one? - annonymous

This quote fue agregado por kayleen
Am I a no one? Or am I a nobody? I ask myself that question every single day. Being hurt, being in pain, and feeling left out hurts. Everyone thinks I'm insane because I see things that nobody else does.

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weesin 5 años, 4 meses atrás
your saying that you see things that nobody else does is concerning....either you're a narcissist who experiences delusions of're literally seeing things that others don't, in which case, you may wish to get some help for those hallucinations
weesin 5 años, 4 meses atrás
Once again, this is super pathetic and way too personal for you to post on this site. And I would have to do sound pretty insane. People on the internet can't help need to see a therapist for a diagnosis, and likely, medications

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