It is what it is - My brain and my fingers

This quote fue agregado por slykai
There was once a man by the name of Steven. He was nice as a child, but as life went on he became bitter. It happens to the best of us as we realize what life really consists of. You know, the routines, the obligations, the pain, the unknown of it all. Life is mysterious... try not to become bitter like Steven.

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slzeal 2 años, 4 meses atrás
that shit hurted
makkishah 5 años, 7 meses atrás
There was once a man by the name of Steven, he was nice as a child, but as life went on he became bitter. It happens to the best of us as we realize what life really consists of. you know, the routines, the obligations, the pain, the unknown of it all. Life is mysterious, try not to become bitter like Steven.

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