You're Not My Boyfriend - adriana

This quote fue agregado por 444drian
All my boyfriend ever wants to do is play on his stupid video games. It would be nice to go out on a nice hike or a cool museum, but all we seem to do is stay home and be lazy. I'm really bored at home and at this point I would rather die.

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kayleen 5 años, 3 meses atrás
If your becoming miserable because of him, you might want to hang out with some of your friends at the mall, it would be better to do that. Give yourself a day away from him. Try to do it on the weekends with your friends and probably he'll actually worry about you.
weesin 5 años, 3 meses atrás
This is pathetic. Just because your boyfriend is a lazy ass doesn't mean you have to be. Go out and do your own thing! And why are you with someone that makes you miserable? Sounds like you need to make some healthy decisions for yourself

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