RollerCoaster Tycoon: The Worst Park Ever - 10 seconds of R&D later - jschlatt

This quote fue agregado por iamnotcarson
In this day and age, mankind has been reduced to nothing more than sheep. Clicking, tapping, swiping; constantly on edge for that next notification, that sweet hit of dopamine that has all but replaced real human connection. In a world dominated by algorithms whose sole purpose is to know you more than you know yourself, we give in. Consent to having our attention spans whittled away so to be as complacent and as profitable as we can be for the God in the machine...

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qweerty 3 años, 5 meses atrás
Technology bad
calvin3oo 4 años, 7 meses atrás
Ah yes, the wise jschlatt
weesin 5 años, 9 meses atrás
VERY good quote. One small thing though, you should not capitalize words following a semi colon UNLESS that word would normally be capitalized (such as a proper pronoun). Also, I think it would read a bit better as 'whose sole purpose is to know you more than you know yourself' rather than as ' whose sole purpose is to know you more than yourself'

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