Reality of Marriage - Anonymous

This quote fue agregado por user582062
I don't believe in marriage the way everyone else does. Marriage isn't about being so emphatically in love with someone that you can't spend a second away from them. No, marriage is about hard work; it's about the how the two of you can find, learn, and resolve through each and every one of your imperfections. That's what marriage is. But good fairy tales aren't spun from what marriage actually is, are they?

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weesin 5 años, 2 meses atrás
Good quote. But the wording is awkward. You typed 'it's about the how the two' which doesn't make sense. And you say 'resolve through' imperfections. You wouldn't resolve through an imperfection - you would simply resolve an imperfection. The word 'through' should be removed

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