I'm thinking about horses - Mike Posner

This quote fue agregado por 90sgrandad
I'm thinking about horses, they're so goddamn regal. Their muscles ripple through their skin like waves in a little ocean. Magnificent beasts. But why the eff do they listen to us? They're so much stronger than they know but they trade their freedom for a dependable meal. They let people get on top of them and tell them where to go! But how can I judge? Is that not exactly what I do? IS THAT NOT EXACTLY WHAT WE ALL DO?

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90sgrandad 5 años, 4 meses atrás
@weesin Yes I am aware. Thank you.
weesin 5 años, 4 meses atrás
You've typed 'I'm thinking about horse'. You should have typed 'I'm thinking about horses'

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