Dear Evan Hansen

This quote fue agregado por potatoblob
Turns out this wasn't an amazing day after all. This isn't going to be an amazing week or an amazing year, because why would it be? Maybe if I could just talk to her. Maybe nothing would be different at all. I wish everything was different. I wish I was part of something. I wish that anything I said mattered to anyone. I mean, face it. Would anyone notice if I just disappeared tomorrow?

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user89490 3 años, 5 meses atrás
Yes, people will notice if you will don't.
qweerty 3 años, 8 meses atrás
Turn out this wasn't an amazing day after all. This isn't going to be an amazing year, because why would it be? Maybe if I could just talk to her. Maybe nothing would be difficult at all. I wish everything was different. I wish I was part of something. I wish that any think I said mattered to anyone. I mean, face it Would anyone notice if I just disappeared tomorrow?
qweerty 3 años, 8 meses atrás
Turn out this wasn't an amazing day after all. This isn't going to be an amazing year, because why would it be? Maybe if I could just talk to her. Maybe nothing would be difficult at all. I wish everything was different. I wish I was part of something. I wish that any think I said mattered to anyone. I mean, face it Would anyone notice if I just disappeared tomorrow?
huma.bari 4 años, 8 meses atrás
Turn out this wasn't an amazing day after all. This isn't going to be an amazing year, because why would it be? Maybe if I could just talk to her. Maybe nothing would be difficult at all. I wish everything was different. I wish I was part of something. I wish that any think I said mattered to anyone. I mean, face it Would anyone notice if I just disappeared tomorrow?

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