Typing is nice on here - xx4931xx

This quote fue agregado por xx4931xx
I always love to type. This site is especially useful for that, so I'm somewhat active in it. Whenever I do a game, people are always like, "you can stop showing off now," since not a lot of teenagers like this type of activity in high school. I would try to explain to them what this is, but I always get the feeling that they would never understand and would only see me as even more weird than I was before. Well, what can I say? We all have different values that we favor.

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weesin 5 años, 3 meses atrás
The wording is awkward, though there aren't any glaring errors

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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user871724 154.68 96.8%
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bmcgoo 114.73 96.4%
jgdude 101.98 94.1%
user68438 98.21 95.6%
davidmansilla 92.19 92.2%
user843630 87.32 96.6%

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