What is wrong with you people? - Bob Langdon

This quote fue agregado por bobsbad
Any time I use this website to practice typing, I feel like it triggers some sort of existential crisis within me. The negativity of existence is astounding here and I bet you all still live at home with your mom. Perhaps you will all find the meaning of life somewhere other than adding quotes to a typing test website.

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bobsbad 5 años, 3 meses atrás
It was meant to be ironic and hypocritical. Sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
weesin 5 años, 3 meses atrás
Your quote reeks of hypocricy. You criticize people for submitting quotes, implying we do so to "find the meaning of life' - rather, we post quotes in the hopes that others might find them amusing or thought-provoking or that they might find some other value in them. You're hypocritically posting a quote yourself now - for no other reason than to be adversarial and judgemental.

Do you not realize that you've now added to the negativity of this site that you profess to dislike?

As for 'living at home with our moms' - what a stupid comment to make. There are people of all ages using this site - obviously our younger users would still be living at home. What's wrong with that?

Give your head a shake - I think you should focus more on your own emotional growth rather than posting negative, hypocritical quotes on this site. Perhaps you need to find the meaning of life...

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