Come up with original thoughts - Anonymeous

This quote fue agregado por mashunk34
If you are just copying and pasting quotes from the internet, what is the point of trying to learn typing on this site? Grey's Anatomy was not that great of a show. Good, but not great... and typing quotes from someone called McDreamy is just not how I like to warm up my typing skills first thing in the morning. Gimme something that makes me stop and think about my life. Type on, Big Typists...

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weesin 5 años, 3 meses atrás
I agree with you about the Grey's Anatomy quotes. However, I honestly don't enjoy typing your quotes either. You want people to post 'original thoughts', however, the problem with that is that people (yourself included) fail to edit their quotes prior to submitting them, leaving the user to stumble over your errors. I'm not a fan of Grey's Anatomy or One Tree Hill quotes either, but I much prefer an error-free Grey's Anatomy quote to an original quote filled with errors or that is awkwardly worded.

Also - your quote doesn't inspire me to 'stop and think about my life' either

FYI - you keep spelling 'anonymous' incorrectly in your quote titles

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