Vaping vs. Smoking - Anna Thomas

This quote fue agregado por lgumibear
People think vaping is better than smoking. My friends, that statement is so very incorrect. Vaping is straight nicotine, which can end up destroying your lungs. My advice to you, don't start either, because once you start, it's very difficult to stop.

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weesin 5 años, 3 meses atrás
This is absolute hogwash. While it's been proven that there are health concerns with vaping, it is not nearly as bad as smoking. Also, saying that 'vaping is straight nicotine' is also false as many vape juices contain varying levels of nicotine - some even contain absolutely no nicotine whatsoever. I would suggest that you do a bit of research before making such claims.

DISCLAIMER - I am by no means suggesting that vaping is cool or is without health risks. I am merely commenting on the false claims presented in this quote

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