Hi ^.^ - potatoz

This quote fue agregado por leilani.woodard
Hello! To anyone reading this quote, thank you! It makes me so happy to see people making inspirational quotes ^.^ I am very happy to see people on Keyhero doing so well. Have a great day! ^.^ - potatoz.

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weesin 5 años, 3 meses atrás
Apology not accepted. You people act like animals on this site. Someone says something negative about one of your quotes and you think it's appropriate to start attacking that person personally and calling names. Grow up
leilani.woodard 5 años, 3 meses atrás
Hi weesin, sorry about my friends. They just think you were being a little rude. Just a little constructive advice, instead of saying it was 'boring', say 'maybe make it a little more interesting next time'. You don't have to take this advice, but I would greatly appreciate it if you do. Thank you.
weesin 5 años, 3 meses atrás
You people are ridiculous. I expressed my opinion about a quote, not about the person who wrote it. Do you think a chef goes home and cries if someone says they found their food too spicy? No. It's just someone's opinion. It is not a total strangers job to give you the praise you seem to so desperately need - watch some reruns of Mr. Rogers if you're looking for someone to tell you how you, and everything you do, is perfect and wonderful. Dogs live and die for praise like that - humans should have enough back bone to not fall apart like delicate flowers if someone says they found your quote boring.

Somehow people on this site find it acceptable that some users on this site threaten to rape my dead mother, yet it's apparently a terrible thing to say that a quote was boring. This is not being a bully, it's giving an opinion.
harper.benson 5 años, 3 meses atrás
exactly. Who doesn't want to be praised. u r so mean, weesin.
jane.doekers 5 años, 3 meses atrás
Besides, I thought that the quote was very positive and uplifting.
harper.benson 5 años, 3 meses atrás
She might be going through something terrible, yet you tease her like there's no tomorrow! Evil person!
jane.doekers 5 años, 3 meses atrás
Yeah dude, u need 2 chill out. Not cool what ur doing.
harper.benson 5 años, 3 meses atrás
Deal with it weesin! stop being so mean!
weesin 5 años, 3 meses atrás
This quote is terribly boring and cheesy. And what's with the special characters?

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