Quote from Transformers - Megatron

This quote fue agregado por mcmacladdie
I once told Optimus that I kill for the sake of killing. I wanted to make him hurt me, you see, because when he hurts others, he hurts himself. And the thing is, when those words were in my head I didn't think I meant them; but when they left my mouth, I realized that I did. If the world thinks you're a monster, what does it matter? The world is wrong. But when you start to think of yourself as a monster...

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weesin 5 años, 1 mes atrás
It's interesting that I can always tell when a comment has been written by @bvw as there is always some mention of his god....

Can you not keep the obnoxious god-talk in your church, synagogue etc?
bvw 5 años, 1 mes atrás
Interesting. Well be human, be a human created by G-d, knowing what that means. Be good.

Even if you are an imaginary toy.

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