Typing Awareness - Me & Myself only

This quote fue agregado por potato4fun
Few of the best advices that helped me type faster were to get a good comfortable keyboard, a good ergonomic sitting posture, and obviously practicing more. But the hardest one for me was typing with a relaxed and clear mind. You have to type without giving too much thought to your hands. Just like learning to speak a new language. let me prove it to you, please don't look or think about the following words you type: "Butter, better, bash, boosh, bong." Haha, I knew you'd start typing slower.

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weesin 5 años, 1 mes atrás
The word 'advice' is a noun that cannot be pluralized. And there are puncutation issues. And you've neglected to capitalize words following periods. Please edit quotes prior to submitting them so that other users of this site do not get tripped up on your errors

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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