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This quote fue agregado por animrac
You know those days where you can't get anything done? Don't beat yourself up. Just strive to do one single thing that's good for you. Learn to feel proud for your little accomplishments. That's enough for me to be proud of you.

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valisocold 2 años, 8 meses atrás
Nice quote;D
user85577 3 años, 6 meses atrás
Just. Monika.
catrice 3 años, 6 meses atrás
J̷̢̢̨͔̳̳͇͉͓̟̯͓̠̦̞̹͈̮̥̜͖̘̩̘͇͔̩̟̗̠̱̯̤̮͈̪͇͔͕́́̉̈́̎͑͜ͅu̸̡̡̢̹̹̟͔͓̬͕̥͇̣̮̯͖̩͍̙͍̝̝̍̍͘̚͜͝ͅş̵̨̢̛̝̯̟̗̻͍̘̰̭͈͎̻̥̳̙̾̏́̐̈́̎̀͊̀͗͗̋͆̀̋̅̃̍̿̀̇̈̎̈́͂̃̃̋̆̂̽̕̕̚̚̕̚͜͝ͅt̴̺̻͓̘̜̦͙͈̰̠̻͈̞̘̜̣̘̗̱̱̲͚̍́̽̿́͑̚͝ͅͅ ̸̢̢̢̺͙̖͉̘̼̪̙̗̟͓̳̝͇̟͎̠͔̳̮̰̻̪̫͈͓̠͔̩̤̱̞̗̘̩̦̹̘̖̬̻͔́̍́̐̀̀̀̔̌͊̕͝͝ͅṀ̶̢̨̧̢̢̡̧̛̲̫͍̣̗̟̖̗̬̘̘͎̪̜͚͚̗͍̺͔̺̜͙̲̹̖̳͓̦̯̱͉̜̻̜̺̽̄̔͒̅̆́́́̍͒̽̾̾̌̎̽̅̕͜͝͝ͅͅo̵̡̻̦͖͚̻̜͂̈́̀̃̆̾̎͒̊͛̈́͘͝Ṉ̴̨̢̢̧̨̡̢̣̳͖̮͉̯̞͈̥̰̺͓̱̟͚̙̲͔̙͙̹̮͇̖̫̖̤͓̹͖̊̿̇̈́̌̉̓́͑͗̐̀͗͊̉͗̄͊̿́̐͊̓͐̒͗̏͜͠͝͠͝i̷̡̧̮͙͇̝̼̯̣̗̭͍̥̪̋̉̀̌͐̅̍́͑́̎͐̔̊̈́̉̔̆̔̂͛͆̄̌̋̓̊̔̕̕̚̚͘͘̕̚͘͝͝͝͝k̴̛͔̬̼̝̰͇̳̖̘͐͋̃́̄͌̈́͌̌͑̈́̅̀̀̀̊̓̍͊̽̿́̀̍̄̏̈́̏̓̈́͗̿̌͋̀͆̌̚̚̚͜͝ǎ̵̧̢͍̰͎͇̪͍̲͕̩̥̜̞̙͕̺̦̳̜͌͒͐̓̔̄́͛͛̍͑́͆̓̈́̔̉̄̋̎̋͗̑́͐̐̍̽̏̓̂̄̈́̊̌̿͒̕̕̚̚͜͜͝͝͠͝ͅ
rass 3 años, 6 meses atrás
Just Monika
hunterz1200 4 años, 7 meses atrás
Just. Monika.

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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